The Big Business Dude and Your Vision By Mr. Twenty Twenty

He stood head and shoulders above me.

He was a big business dude. He was a big dude, he was in a big business.

I was small by comparison. I don’t make nearly as much as he does, but I am FOCUSED on making a huge impact in the world. I think he could feel that, and it made him curious.

He asked me, after looking at my drivers license – the government document that I produce several times a week, that shows that I really did change my name to Twenty Twenty – the number of perfect vision.

He crossed the room, apologizing several times, almost knocking several people over, just to ask me this, “Dude, what’s the deal about VISION?”

I paused, looked deep in his eyes, and said…

“Look.  See those junkies over there?  They are good people, beautiful people, who got lost.  They got lost because of the way they see the world.  I look at you.  Mr. Big Business Dude.  You see the world differently than they do.  You see opportunity.  You see opportunity to help, you see opportunity to succeed. ”

“The biggest difference between them and you is how you see the world.”

“The big difference is the power of VISION!”

“Vision.  Do you have one?  If you don’t, get one.  If you do, live for it, let it live through you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.”

The world needs more visionaries.

The world needs your vision.

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Your friend,

Mr. Twenty Twenty

The absolutely crazy guy who changed his name legally to the number of perfect vision, hoping to inspire and equip you to live yours.  Nuff said!  Do it!

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By Twenty Twenty

Mr Twenty Twenty is that guy who legally changed his name to the number of "Perfect Vision". He lives his life, focused on helping people develop the inner resources they need to live their personal visions, while discovering who and what we "really are". If you enjoy his writing, let him know by emailing him at

1 comment

  1. 20/20,
    Really enjoyed The Big Business Dude to the point. nice writing.wonder who will be honest enough with thy self to appreciate that..hits home.

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