Change your Name and Transform your Life PART 1- Mr. Twenty Twenty

Hey mate,

Two years ago TODAY, I had my name legally changed to Twenty Twenty.  I jumped through all the hoops, I went to court, I told the judge why, and it was done.

I’d love to tell you that everything now is perfect, truth is – it really is.

Yet, I still have personal ups and downs, and some days I make a lot of money, some days I just spend a lot of money.  I have good wholesome thoughts, I have silly stupid thoughts too.

But something transformed radically when I changed my name.

I began getting really focused, clear and on target with my life.

  • Every day, I get reminded of the power that VISION has in our lives.
  • Every day, I get reminded of the VISIONARY that I can become.
  • Every day, I get reminded of how much amazing IMPACT my life, your life, and every life can have in this world.

The key is “if we don’t settle for mediocrity”.

Look around, most people settle for mediocrity.  They listen to the news, that’s all gloom and doom.  They pattern their lives and relationships on sitcoms and reality television.  They never shoot for the stars, because they are too busy staring into the headlights.

Do what the indians did.  Do what they had me do years ago.  Quest for Vision.   Open your eyes and awaken.  You are here.  Being here is a gift, a tremendous gift.  You being here is a gift for other people.

“Have you realized that there is something that only you can do while you are here?  Something special enough that makes your life worth living?”

If you have, congratulations.  If you are still working on getting clear….

You’ve come to the right place.

Keep hanging around, and enjoy the ride!

Your friend,

Mr. Twenty Twenty

Ex Hostage since the October 1989 Camp Hill Prison Riots

Professional Kick Ass Visionary since April 4, 2007

PS:  If you would change your name, what would you change it to?  What impact would it have in your world?  Let me know, comment below!

By Twenty Twenty

Mr Twenty Twenty is that guy who legally changed his name to the number of "Perfect Vision". He lives his life, focused on helping people develop the inner resources they need to live their personal visions, while discovering who and what we "really are". If you enjoy his writing, let him know by emailing him at


  1. 20
    As a long time friend, I’ve always known that you had vision. Not always the way people think but you would look at things and you were actually seeing whats going on. You would look at me and see my back was out, or that something was troubling me. Often you’d stand and look at something and I knew that you were seeing something that no one else did. Good luck. Thanks for the help with my vision. Keep looking and truely seeing and helping others to see not just look!

  2. Hi Twenty …

    Great article …

    I’m questing for vision …

    You like Werner Erhard changed your name to promote your vision … I have tattoo’s to remind me of mine …

    I have had a few people close to me in my life change there names in the past couple of years to reflect there being and vision too …

    I’ve been thinking about doing it myself … Changing my name to “Event Horizon” … for some reason it keeps popping into my thoughts that that the name for me right now … the threshold of gravitrational pull where even light can’t escape … tranformed into realms of the unimaginable and the creation of dimentions beyond time as yet unknown …

    Feels a bit silly putting it out there … Who knows maybe one day I will …



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