He was considering getting one of those stomach surgeries – you know the ones, where the doctor takes a KNIFE to you – removes part of your stomach – and then takes a vacuum to you and sucks out a bunch of fat.
He was choosing THE KNIFE. Even though his physical stomach will never be the same. Even though he might get a major infection from the suction wounds. Even though – it was him MAJORLY giving away his power – he was considering the KNIFE.
Funny thing, I knew about his FORK. And how he used it to DENY himself of his personal power.
He simply ate too much. He ate all the wrong things. (He put the power – and his happiness outside of him.)
He refused hypnosis – didn’t want someone putting things in his head. Not even himself.
He refused to read the Four Hour Body – which is the program Victoria and I have used to transform our bodies. He saw it work – he saw us work it.
He refused to DO SOMETHING – to do ANYTHING which would prove to him – that HE is the power – the dominant factor in his life.
He didn’t choose the fork – personal power. He was choosing to put the solution outside of himself – to make the doctor God – he was too focused on the knife.
And with that – he chose – to never fully live his life.
What do you choose today – fork or knife?
Mr Twenty Twenty
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Free Neville Goddard – The Power of You.
PS: For the NLPers who want to know HOW someone can think like that. Notice this PROCESS. He could imagine how different HIS LIFE would be – after the surgeries. Single events – isolated events – big events. He couldn’t imagine – how different HE would actually be – if he chose to be – more powerful with his fork – his beliefs – his DAILY behavior. Great lessons here. I request that you share this one FAR AND WIDE. Hit the share button – share it with your facebook friends. It’s a message well worth living.
PPS: This is why we wrote – Imagine – Neville Goddard Simplified. Imagination is what we are – we are more THAT than we are our bodies. How we imagine – what we give our self permission to imagine – rules our world – and often determines our ability to function effectively. My friend above – couldn’t imagine himself taking daily action – small steps – so he had to imagine taking big ones – drastic ones. It’s not about the surgery – it’s about how he sees himself in his world.
Hi Twenty-Twenty! I provide free healing sessions to PTSD Vets and Battered Women by appointment only on the FIRST Saturday of each month and have been doing so for quite a while. Contact me by Facebook. I use Reiki, Matrix Energetics, Prayer and EFT. Keep up the fantastic work Thanks.
Excellent Daya! Thank you for sharing. It’s great to help be a part of the change we see in the world, isn’t it!