What it’s like to be born on April Fools Day

45 years ago today, I was born.

I was born 3 months early – weighing in at 2 pounds and 4 ounces. That’s just over a kilo for my friends, neighbors and family here in Australia. Life since then has never been normal, or boring.

So what is it like being “an April Fool”?

My birthday is the old first day of the year. Sort of makes sense, start the year in spring, when surrounded by new beginnings. Start the year when it’s crop planting time. Start the year when the smell of hope, promise and possibility is in the air. All makes sense. So maybe that’s why we start the year now in the middle of winter – and we call those folks who believe that the year begins in April – “fools”.

A friend who is an astrologer tells me that I was born when Mercury was retrograde. She says I learn and think differently than most folks. I’d agree – I even teach differently than any NLP – Native Skills and Philosophy – Kung Fu Master does. I’m not much into cetifications – more into helping people live lives that most people would consider “certifiable”.

Certifiable – as in crazy.

To me – life is an opportunity – an opportunity to love – be loved – be love – an opportunity to get that at least my life is only meant to be for entertainment – God’s entertainment – and that I too – am God.

Born of a Virgin.

From what I can tell, every moment has the potential for “virgin birth”. Touched by an angel, discovering you are “with child”. (Remember – I warned you I see / think / teach things differently). Every moment has the potential for you – and me – to really open up to something beautiful – wonderful – to let go of our bs entirely – to discover ourself – and those around us – in the moment.

When was the last time you really connected with someone?

My girlfriend, my ex wife to be, my adopted sister, my family and my friends – – – I love when we just sort of “stop” together – open up – and simply be. Simply being the love we are – simply touching each other.

Sensational Stories…

What is running your life? Are you living like Walter Mitty – stories in your head….

Or are you really living – experiencing connection, oneness, sensations with another human? Touch someone today. Touch yourself. Touch a flower – with your eyes – with your smell – with your….

You get the idea. Most people won’t bother – touching themselves or another human – because of “the stories” they have – stories that prevent you from touching another human – are the same stories that prevent you from being in touch with what matters most – the loving reality – that we are.


I spent way too much time as a small, little, icky bit – living in an incubator – a plastic box. And being an only April Fool’s childe – well I had lots of time on my hands. Time to make up stories and get lost in them. Time to discover touch and sensations and get found in them.

I request that you get found. Abandon the stories that get in the way.

Touch. Love. Come home.

Why? Because it’s my birthday.

That’s why.

And you – could have – a virgin birth moment – or lifetime. Full of touch, full of presence, full of possibility.

Join me.

Mr Twenty Twenty

PS: I just had a crazy idea. What if 1,000 people today read this article – and applied it to their lives. Full out. Imagine the world – imagine their world – imagine your world – and how it would change.

PPS: I just had another crazy idea. If 1,000 people today hit The Gratitude Button – and shared with me just $7 – I could by a car or a motorbike. I don’t have either now, I moved here to Australia several months ago – and have been starting over. I drive my girlfriend’s car (on the left side of the road – see the video – coming soon), and take the tram. I have a bicycle too. It needs a new inner tube.

PPPS: What if you – dove into life – even more fully – and invited others to do the same? What if you asked for just $7 when you could? What if we all, just once a month – found someone to give $7 to that would make a difference? What if every marketer I know – did the same thing. Sent out an email with a “Hey, this gal / guy really could use a boost – some rocket fuel – he’s doing well – but a bit of gas tossed on the fire for him / her today would take them way over the top. Would you too just toss $7 bucks in the mix?

PPPPS: Wow! What if I did that once a month. Sent out an email, with a short story, about someone who really is stepping up, stepping out, taking a chance in life. Put out their info – so they could be given to. What if 1,000 folks sent them $7 – it’s the price of a cup of coffee and a small sandwich…. I just might do that…. Starting now.

Thank you for reading. I request that you forward this page to your lists, friends and everyone. Invite them to read, apply, give, be given to, dial it up a level higher and… well just live full out. Hugs and have a great day!

Mr Twenty Twenty

Hit the Gratitude Button – Click here!

By Twenty Twenty

Mr Twenty Twenty is that guy who legally changed his name to the number of "Perfect Vision". He lives his life, focused on helping people develop the inner resources they need to live their personal visions, while discovering who and what we "really are". If you enjoy his writing, let him know by emailing him at 2020@exhostage.com.


  1. Hey There!
    I forgot your birthday even though mine was on the 2nd! I was meaning to say last night!

    My birthday was totally memorable and not in the way you might think.

    There was a wedding and a death within hours in my immediate family. Was extremely magical and some beautiful completions and re – connections came out of it. Out of the ashes comes new / virgin ways of being!

    Great night last night too! Always love your work!

  2. Wow! Harley is looking forward to your 90th! I can imagine you at 90.. Swinging from the trees with a cigar in your teeth… (or dentures) and screaming ‘I’m alive! I’m alive!”


    I am a bit late in reading your post, though I did wish you a Happy Birthday on the right day. I love that you were born during a mercury retrograde – you must have wonderful things happen for you during retrogrades when everyone else has things jam up.

    You were a mini when you were born.. glad you GREW!

    Lots of Love!!

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