Your Essence – by Mr. Twenty Twenty

“Your essence. What you are – determines what you do.”

So this morning I am reading a “man coaching ” site sent to me by a client. He’s a great guy. The site he sent me to sorta blows.

While reading, ask yourself if you are making this same mistake….

The site in the first five pages states and hypnotically reinforces that what matters is optimizing two things: what you do and what you have. (Then it uses TONS of hypnotic language to get you worked up to GET (DO) what they HAVE. Brilliant.)

In other words, what you have and what you do are what is important.

So get our stuff, so you can get the girl.

Essentially, they have it all wrong, completely unnatural, BUT I know they are making TONS of money.

(BTW, what they are doing will help people IMPROVE what they are DOING (connecting with women), but it will only take them so far on their journey of self development and discovery.

Development and discovery are huge keys to satisfaction and happiness.


So what about your essence? Are you discovering and refining it, or covering it up with….

Okay, they (the people at the man coaching site) do give essence great lip service. But they don’t honor it deeply.

Of course, they are the multimillion dollar project, and I am still working or breaking six figures through ALL my business adventures this year.

So…. with that disclaimer….

Back to me and the old Indian guy, a mentor and elder of mine.

He didn’t have much, but he was incredibly wealthy.

He had plenty to get by on, he had plenty of friends, family is what he called them.

He could smell bullshit from a mile away, and avoided it like the plague.

He told me, repeatedly, “Your vision is your essence. Your vision is your power.”

Refine your essence, and what you do and all that you have will become refined, powerful and pure.

Nuff said. If you enjoy our writings, then join us at an event, or get some goodies.

Your friend,

Mr. Twenty Twenty
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By Twenty Twenty

Mr Twenty Twenty is that guy who legally changed his name to the number of "Perfect Vision". He lives his life, focused on helping people develop the inner resources they need to live their personal visions, while discovering who and what we "really are". If you enjoy his writing, let him know by emailing him at