What’s it like to be a man in today’s world?
Here is some food for thought, watch the video below? It’s well worth 4 minutes of your time today.
Once you have watched at least some of it….
Ask yourself…
How would you like to have her as a neighbor?
I’m not saying that because she is good looking, I am saying that because she goes for excellence!
Real quick today, choose to experience excellence. Choose to experience excellence so that you INSPIRE AND GENERATE more excellence in the world.
Watch it.
Be it.
Do it.
Choose to be a man. Choose to Experience Excellence.
You know the drill, let me know! Drop me an email with “how to be a man” in the subject line. 2020@exhostage.com
I’d love to hear from you, and hear about your Experience of Excellence.
Your friend,
Mr. Twenty Twenty