How to be a man. Part 4 – Engage! By Mr. Twenty Twenty

What’s it like to be a man today?  Do you engage?  Are you engagable?

Indiana Jones and your wedding.

“Will you marry me?”  Those 4 words, mean something.   If you ask them, and she says yes, you’ve only just begun.  You are engaged.

It’s the same with sales guys.

If you ask for a sale, and they say yes, you’ve only just begun.  You are engaged.

I have 2 men in my coaching program called “Depth” right now.  They paid me some decent buckos, to have me engage them, so they can engage life more.

We talk on the phone once a week, they listen to stuff, their lives change.  Because we all are ENGAGING more.

Note:  In The Depth Program, we don’t chat.  We talk like men should talk.  Most of the time we laugh deep laughs, often we share deep insights, and once in a while, we throw down on each other.  In other words, we engage, and we become better men because of it.  We go where we need to go and shifts happen.   My goal isn’t to have them as clients who come and lay down on my couch once a week forever.  My goal is to have them engage life more fully and more completely in ten weeks.  That’s The Depth Program.

On the other hand…

My goal EVERYDAY is to engage life more fully and more completely.

Taking risks.

Making discoveries.

Why do you think Indiana Jones is one of the biggest and most popular block busters of all time?


If you decide TODAY, right now to engage life more…

Taking risks…. Making discoveries….

Let me know.   Email: – Put “how to be a man” in the subject line.

Because…   there are way too many lumps in the world.   Being one doesn’t help.

It doesn’t help me, it doesn’t help you, it doesn’t change our world.

Engage life! Join me at our next event!

Way of The Scout

You’ll be glad you did!

Twenty Twenty

That guy who changed his name to the number of perfect vision, because you living your vision perfectly matters!

By Twenty Twenty

Mr Twenty Twenty is that guy who legally changed his name to the number of "Perfect Vision". He lives his life, focused on helping people develop the inner resources they need to live their personal visions, while discovering who and what we "really are". If you enjoy his writing, let him know by emailing him at