Google voice. How much does it cost?
Google voice. What are the hidden fees?
Think of a few variations…. (Keep reading, even if you haven’t thought about getting it, there is some REAL SIMPLE SOLID GOLD here…)
What are the hidden charges for Google Voice?
How much will Google Voice cost me per month?
Now, notice something…
There is something very powerful and profitable you can notice and use here.
Questions and answers.
If you are considering using Google’s new phone service, google voice, you’ll want to know the answers to these questions.
So I write a post that answers these questions. That get’s people to this page, so they can get answers.
So I give them answers. Here is the answer THEY are looking for.
As far as i can tell, and according to the Google site, Google Voice is free in the US, for all calls to numbers in the US. And the quoted rates they have for overseas calls, seem to be extremely reasonable.
And if are an internet marketer or businessman, this post gets even better.
Because there is a formula here, a formula you can use TODAY if you want to make a difference in peoples lives and make money.
Find out what questions people you want to do business with are asking, and answer them.
THEN… here is where you can make some money.
Find out what OTHER QUESTIONS they have, questions that require a little bit of time and research to answer. Use THOSE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS to create a little 20 page Special Report, and Sell it for $12 bucks.
Like this one: Success Version 20.20 – How to make money in your neighborhood and online in as little as 3 days.
Let’s face it. You don’t need to write a 200 page manual anymore. Because people are too busy to read that much. Just give them 20 pages of VALUABLE INFORMATION, charge them a modest fee (like $12 bucks), and develop a relationship with them.
That’s a huge key to success. And like Google Voice, it’s a great deal!
Your friend,
Mr. Twenty Twenty
PS: Did you get Success Version 20.20 yet? If you didn’t, get it today. It’s just $12 bucks. And if you got it, NOW use it! Whoo yah!
Here’s to getting off your ass and doing . . .
Since reading the Success Manual I’ve gotten ebay and paypal setup; just working out a few kinks in paypal. I’ve begun researching what product(s) I’d like to sell and how to do this online through an
affiliate or two; now I’ve got to get the URL set-up and just go for it. On a personal note, I’ve been playing with Tai Chi pretty much daily,
running and doing calisthenics about 5 days a week. I ran a 5k over the weekend and did okay for my first race in 10 years and am looking forward to doing another sometime in August then Pittsburgh’s Great Race a 10k in September. There is no time to sit down, but who needs
As the Nike ad campaign has always said–Just Do It!