Day 10 – Are you taking the right risks? Time to rock and roll.

  • Are you taking enough risks?
  • Are you taking the right kind of risks, the kind that really matter?

Look at my life. I am not going to claim it’s all peaches and cream. Or that every decision I have made is perfect. Far from it, but here is the key….

I’ve risked.

I have actually made some really AGONIZING decisions, and some really simple ones too, and I get to LIVE WITH THEM – and I GET TO TRULY LIVE BECAUSE OF THEM.

Sometimes that means having a decent regret.
Sometimes that means having to apologize.
Sometimes that means a break up, sometimes a break through.

But EVERY SINGLE TIME – you make a decision that matters, take a risk that counts – you get to LIVE YOUR LIFE – instead of idly letting it slip away.

If we didn’t take risks, if we didn’t make decisions, and more importantly IF YOU DON’T DECIDE, if you DON’T DETERMINE what you REALLY WANT in your life, what you REALLY choose to be, to do, to have…. odds are YOU WILL NEVER BE:

A. Happy.
B. Prosperous.
C. Healthy. (Not just looking healthy or feeling healthy, I mean TOTALLY WHOLE.)
D. Blessed – Or the BLESSING you are meant to be.

Yeah, not making a decision WILL prevent you from making a mistake – it might even prevent you from feeling foolish. But NOT MAKING A DECISION will also prevent you from making a difference, making love, making a memory….

You get the point.

So yesterday, I rented a car, and took my girlfriend to the airport. Time for her to fly back home. I could have saved a few bucks, I could have simply let an opportunity to be with her, for us to share what matters, slip by. I chose instead, to risk, a few bucks, a few moments, and make a few memories.

My flight isn’t scheduled for 30 or so more days. So here I am, again, doing what it takes, making decisions, sharing my story, hopefully helping you and me both to improve or personal lives and the world around us. Sitting here, typing to you, missing her, missing my friends who are on the road this weekend, taking a look at me and my world.


My temptation this morning is to skip this, to feel sorry for myself, to do ANYTHING other than – BUCKLE UP – decide even more specifically what I want in my future – or more accurately – what I choose to do, be, have – what RISKS I choose to take – and take action.


I could skip the risk. I could write some fluff piece. Something safe. Something that you’ve probably read before elsewhere. Or I could take a chance. Share me. Swing the bat. Grow.

A strike out or a home run – both are much more ALIVE than just standing there, holding the bat in your hands. SWING THE BAT.

Your turn.

Mr Twenty Twenty

PS: If you benefit from these writings, I am requesting a few things here. First, leave a comment. I love reading them. Your comments mean much more to me than me reading how many people read this – according to my webstats – Webstats suck – too impersonal – your sharing fires me up – thank you.

PPS: Second, consider getting some recordings at InnerCircle Products. We have a new crash course, the NLP of Money that we are getting amazing feedback on. And the ULtimate Life Program is back too. Writings are good, audio is much FASTER and more comprehensive.

PPS: Third, if you notice you benefit from those, email me about joining a coaching program at – We are starting up a 3 month and a year long group coaching program, and starting up our 10 Week Private coaching programs in Jan.

It’s time. Maybe you feel that too. If so, you know what to do Time for us to rock and roll!

PPPS: Many people who read this will think about it. For that, I am thankful. Thinking, pondering is the first step. I request that you be one of the 20% who do more. Me, you, your friends and family will thank you.

Categorized as Amp It Up!

By Twenty Twenty

Mr Twenty Twenty is that guy who legally changed his name to the number of "Perfect Vision". He lives his life, focused on helping people develop the inner resources they need to live their personal visions, while discovering who and what we "really are". If you enjoy his writing, let him know by emailing him at


  1. I’ve been pondering on the words you used ” take risks” , this has really struck a cord with me as at the present time I’m writing a little book. It started outwith the first copy and read something like a therapists report, absolutely not a good read. ,then it came to me and I was encouraged by your writing to put something of myself out on the line. This was a huge risk for me, to tell my story like it is, on a personal level. It was so much easier to write and the words flowed. I think Neville said using ‘inspired action’. Now I’m sure I’m on the right track and the book will get finished. Keep writing. Dorothy

    1. Lovely Dorothy!

      Keep it up, keep us in the loop.

      People are starving for real life sharing.

      I am sure your inspired action will be a tremendous gift to your readers, and you.



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