In 12 months, it will be Christmas time 2010. Merry Christmas!
In 12 months, you’ll be 12 months older.
In 12 months, you could be be 12 months wiser.
In 12 months, you could be 12 months deeper in debt or closer to financial freedom.
And during the next 12 months, the world will continue to grow and change around you – whether you change or not.
“So, where do you want to be in 12 months?”
Where do you want to live?
What do you want to be doing for money?
Who do you want to spend you time with?
Think about those questions for just a few moments, then write down your answer.
Hint: Most people will not THINK OR WRITE, they will keep reading. Don’t be like most people!
Hint: Many of those who keep reading will NOT get much closer to where they would like to be in 12 months.
POWERPOINT: Because if you can’t take a few moments THINK AND WRITE, you aren’t going to take much – if any – FOCUSED action in that direction.
You know I am The Inner Vision guy. Mr Twenty Twenty. The guy who legally changed his name to the number of perfect vision. Because Focus, Clarity and Your Vision matter.
Mr Twenty Twenty, the guy who does private coaching and training events that help people make their inner vision REAL.
Some steps to being with THIS holiday season.
1. Eliminate the programming that holds you back.
Programming, do what it takes to deal with it. Get whatever help you find useful. I thank God everyday for my mentors and coaches, they have dramatically changed my life.
2. Take the UNIQUE steps you need to take charge of your own life.
Stop following canned formulas, and get perspective on YOUR LIFE. Factor in your VISION, your GOALS, and get honest. Do what it takes, no more, no less.
3. Don’t just parrot someone else’s thoughts, lean how to THINK more effectively.
Stop reading so many books and bumperstickers. The best they can give you are someone else’s ARCHEOLOGY. Thoughts are nice, CHALLENGES TO THINKING are much more productive, and fun. Start working with HUMANS that THINK differently than you do. Think coaches, mentors and masterminds. Those will help you grow, challenge your weak spots, and give you what you need to succeed.
4. Watch the videos below, they will help you get what I can’t possibly but into writing.
That’s it. Your turn.
Remember, if YOU don’t live your vision, NOBODY WILL. Get focused, develop more clarity in your life, and live your vision
Mr Twenty Twenty.
2010 Trainings with Mr Twenty Twenty
Get goodies that change lives – like yours!
Vision Quest Radio – Listen anytime to Mr Twenty Twenty and Friends!
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