Back in the Indian days, your name was about you. Your name told the world something significant about you.
Today, it’s too easy to hide, and often scary to really share you. “Hi, I’m Jack.” That says nothing about you, and gives you plenty of room to hide.
So here I am, sharing me, inviting you to share you.
My name is Mr Twenty Twenty. I choose today, to see my life, my world, and my potential – clearly. My chosen name reflects that.
You could call me, “He who chooses to see clearly.”
So how do I serve you today? Why are you here?
I request that you do a few things today.
1. Stop hiding.
2. Start sharing more of you.
3. Be honest. Only YOU know if you are hiding, or sharing more of you. Be honest, do a little more each day.
4. Consider getting some of our stuff, or attending a seminar. Why? Because no matter how much I try to hide, no matter how good or crappy one of our ancient or modern products is, I commit to you, that I will do what it takes, for both of us, to dial it up a level higher.
Not by doing more and more, but by stopping. Stopping adding in the “filler”.
Blowing clouds away from the moon. Stop hiding, start shining.
Have an amazing day!
Mr Twenty Twenty
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