Day 3 – Tired of Being Hopeless? How to get FIRED UP!

This is how to end feeling hopeless, in just 3 easy steps.

I just did my first set of morning drills and exercises.

I feel good, I am breathing heavy.

And now, I am Writing this article.

In other words, I have HOPE that doing MAKES A DIFFERENCE.

And I FEEL IT – in my body.

Hope is of the physical body, according to Rudolph Steiner.

And if you REALLY HAVE HOPE, you will DO, according to Mr Twenty Twenty.


You need to NOTICE if you have honest HOPE in you being able to…

You need to NOTICE if you have HONEST HOPE in what you actually, physically do….

NOTICE: I am not saying FAITH. Faith is DIFFERENT than hope.

And we do need all three.

Faith in the UNSEEN.
Hope in “the physical” grounding and expression and unfolding.
and LOVE of SELF, LOVE of LIFE, LOVE of THOSE around you.

And for all those precious people who remind me of these things, Thank you.

Time to Rock and Roll.


Mr Twenty Twenty

PS: I also in the last 2 weeks, put 3 of my ANCIENT DVD RECORDINGS up on Amazon for sale. Physical action. Hope in the works. They might only make me $20 or $200 a month, BUT if I let them SIT IDLY BY – that would be a demonstration of NO HOPE. Get it?

PPS: Asking the girl to dance, again another demonstration of HOPE. How will YOU demonstrate and exercise HOPE today? Leave me a comment below and let me know.

PPPS: The master key to HOPE is awakening it with action. Today, take at least three tiny action steps. Me, I wrote this article, did my exercises and drills, sent out an email and…. Asked you to email me about coaching: – Can you see how this fits in with the previous article on DETERMINATION?

By Twenty Twenty

Mr Twenty Twenty is that guy who legally changed his name to the number of "Perfect Vision". He lives his life, focused on helping people develop the inner resources they need to live their personal visions, while discovering who and what we "really are". If you enjoy his writing, let him know by emailing him at