“My arms are burning, my soul is on fire!”
Today is Monday, first day this new week of opportunites. I am committed AGAIN to not being LUKEWARM and being ON FIRE!
“I just completed my first 12 minute workout of the week, and I am on fire! My body is looking great, I am getting stronger, and a formerly fat guy is getting more fighting fit by the day.
So I’ve got to ask you something, what are YOU doing today, to add some FIRE to your week, to your life, to your destiny?
“New week, new day. If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.”
My friend DJ Coffman shared this on Facebook this morning. My Grandpa used to holler something like this at me all the time growing up.
So what are you going to do today?
Me, I started out the week with my 12 minute on fire drills. My arms and chest are pumped. My legs are on fire, and I felt my heart racing! I love being alive?
How much do you love being alive?
Do something new! Do more than you thought was possible! Do something exciting and new.
Catch your life on FIRE!
And let me know what you do! Leave a comment.
That’s it! It’s your life, it’s your week, it’s your destiny!
Live each one to the fullest!
Mr Twenty Twenty
Get The Big Picture – Awaken the Power of Vision in your life with MR 2020!