Are you a student of life or a lover of life?

Because if you are a student of life – learning lessons an passing tests becomes your way of ALMOST LIVING LIFE. Being a student of life, SEEMS to be a reasonably safe, secure, while it limits you to a PASS OR FAIL way of ALMOST WAY OF LIVING. Living on the campus of life is great, but it’s never ever going to be as fun or as REAL as THE REAL WORLD. (Say whooo yah, time to WAKE UP BUCKWHEAT!)

NOTE: Most of this article is about THE REASON WHY. Without it, many people will never apply – ANYTHING that matters – and with a great reason why – hinted at and shared openly here – the 3 Solid Gold Questions below will deepen your experience of life – as will the FOUR FREE RECORDINGS – and the COMPLETE CANDID PACKAGE.

If you are the true LOVER OF LIFE you experience more love, more loss, more flavors – tastes and REAL complete experiences of what is possible – the student of life learns about probabilities – how to calculate them – while having to continue to fantasize about what will someday happen when…..

Anyhoo…. Lover’s of life make course corrections all the time. (Instead of trying to avoid ever making mistakes.

I would like to invite you to increase your true LOVE OF LIFE – How to experience – have – and grow in true prosperity – power and promise. Listen to FREE Recordings closely, take notes, write them in the official handbook.

And most importantly – have fun – make a commitment to YOU and YOUR WORLD and…..

And ask yourself these 3 simple SOLID GOLD questions every day – to discover the truth about you:

1. Am I stuck in a rut – feeling frustrated or worse because I am still trying to avoid making mistakes? Or am I taking action – experiencing the risks – and making course corrections as necessary? (Prep Recording #4 starts tackling this one – just wait to see what happens once you have listened to the REST OF THE STORY.)

2. Am I closing or opening? Am I almost living life as a closer (notice how closer contains the word LOSER) – requires that I chase down sales (that’s why salesmen call it closing the deal), chase down something OTHER THAN YOU to make you feel better, and chase down AND close down to… well just about everything REAL – everything magical about you. On the other hand, the RIGHT HAND, are you having a blast OPENING UP to possibility, OPENING UP to people (and what you can offer them – THIS is a MAJOR key we will explore together – it opens up a Massive Door) and are you OPENING UP to what you truly are capable of? (Recordings 5 and 6 in The New Candid Package will blow you away – you will be learning the questions to ask yourself AND THREE very powerful methods of Stage Setting (Recordings 1 and 2) that will OPEN UP THE FLOODGATES of possibility for you.)

3. Am I really connecting to the people around me, enjoying what we talk about, what we do, and how we grow and go new places together? Or is life more like the reruns, with everyone Acting As If real life was really happening? When was the last time you…. (I want to say fell in love – with life – with possibility – with risk – with you. What I want to know is when will be the NEXT TIME you open up to the love and possibility that is around and within you.) (This is just another example of how learning a few new words, and changing a few questions and how shifting around a few concepts inside your head will open up, and invite you to what happens once we DIAL IT UP a level higher.

If you want some great hints, on how to stop being a STUDENT of life and how to START BEING A LOVER OF LIFE, study this article. Print it out, take it apart, use it as a blueprint for change.

If you are ready to pour on the gas, and live life even more fully than ever before – go get the package – and save BIGGO today. I am getting Candid Now! Click Here!

Time to rock and roll!

Mr Twenty Twenty

If you want to try before you buy, Click Here – to get the first FOUR Candid Recordings as MY GIFT.

By Twenty Twenty

Mr Twenty Twenty is that guy who legally changed his name to the number of "Perfect Vision". He lives his life, focused on helping people develop the inner resources they need to live their personal visions, while discovering who and what we "really are". If you enjoy his writing, let him know by emailing him at