Ted Nugent and Mr Twenty Twenty Rocking in the House!

Hey mate,

I just read an amazing article written by one of my favorites, Ted Nugent!

You can read all about it by clicking here:  Ted Nugent Tells it as it is!

If I could get Ted on the phone right now, and if he was close by, I would invite him over for a fine cigar.

Since I can’t, I’m gonna head outside now and smoke, and work on a Top Secret week long training to help you Kick Ass in the Real world.  I’m tired of seeing my friends just getting by.  It’s time for action, not REACTION.

On the same note…

If you aren’t too busy Friday night, skip going to the bar or watching refuns and join me on Vision Quest Radio – Friday at 10 PM eastern for Open Line Fridays.

This just might be the most important show we’ve ever done.  We are giving away what you need to totally rock your world.

We’ll be starting the Open Line Fridays with:  “Stop Faking it,  Stop Taking it and Start Kicking Ass!” It should be a wild time, and you should walk away being able to get a much better grip on your reality, and world.

Faking it doesn’t count, it doesn’t pay the bills, and it won’t get you across the finish line first. Nuff said, wake up, learn and do what it takes, and start kicking ass!

Whoo yah!

Your friend,

Twenty Twenty

By Twenty Twenty

Mr Twenty Twenty is that guy who legally changed his name to the number of "Perfect Vision". He lives his life, focused on helping people develop the inner resources they need to live their personal visions, while discovering who and what we "really are". If you enjoy his writing, let him know by emailing him at 2020@exhostage.com.